Here are my favorite book blogs. This is mostly for me so I don’t have to keep searching for them individually. However, I think you’ll enjoy them, and if you’re an aspiring author, reading these sites is so much healthier than self-Googling or checking your infernal Amazon stats. In no particular order, here they are. The Millions. Maud Newton. Rumpus. Bookslut. Paper Cuts. Levi Stahl’s I’ve Been Reading Lately. Koreanish. American Fiction Notes. The New Yorker’s Book Bench. Jacket Copy.
Coveted books:
Paul Murray, Skippy Dies
Karen Russell, Swamplandia (put this at the top of your reading list; it’s great)
Benjamin Percy, The Wilding
Leo Tolstoy, Childhood, Boyhood and Youth, Michael Scammell translation
Siddhartha Mukherjee, The Emperor of All Maladies
Good books:
Brock Clarke: An Arsonist’s Guide to Writers’ Homes In New England. (I give this book seven stars out of five. No, make that eight stars.)
Sigrid Nunez: Salvation City. (spare, plausible, creepy.)
Kobo Abe: The Woman in the Dunes (not new. You overlooked this when it came out.)
Emma Donaghue: Room
Julie Orringer: The Invisible Bridge
Jennifer Egan: A Visit from the Goon Squad
Elif Batuman: The Possessed
Michael Cunningham: By Nightfall
Saul Bellow Letters edited by Benjamin Taylor