Songs from the 80s I want to forget

I kind of stole the inspiration for this entry from a conversation I had last night in SF. Anyhow, it’s strange for me to hear about 80s ‘nostalgia’ parties and hear ‘flashback’ weekends highlighting the songs of my adolescence. I’m wondering if anyone in my age group remembers (with a shudder) the following ditties that tormented me on KROQ during my teenage years. I’m talking about the kind of songs that had me in a mad rush to change the dial, even when I was hurtling down the 405 freeway at 85 miles an hour.

“Shanoo, Shanoo” by Haysi Fantayzee

“I Eat Cannibals” by Total Coelo.

“Pepperoni Ice Cream” by Killer P ….

“Oh! My Janitor” by Suburban Lawns.

“Slang Teacher” by Wide Boy Awake.

“We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off” by Jermaine Stuart.

“Rappin’ Duke” by John Wayne.

“P-A-J-A, Pajama Party!” by (I couldn’t remember the name for this one, but the singer sounded like she is about six or seven years old.)

I think that ‘authentic’ 1980s nostalgia parties — and 1980s oriented karaoke gatherings — need to draw more deeply from this dark well of noxious tunes.

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