Hello, everyone. I am proud to announce my return to leading brand-new writing classes for the first time in a long while. My online class is called: CW 83 — Unlock Your Creativity: Idea Generator and Block-Breakers for Writers. This is a spin-off on a popular in-person course I taught on-site at the Tannery and elsewhere called “UPWELLINGS.” Here is the link, and sign-ups will start December 2. This supportive, creativity-boosting course is designed to overcome writer’s block and spark fresh ideas for stories, essays, poems, and books. We’ll start with “radical defamiliarization,” making the ordinary strange and the strange familiar. Inspired by Virginia Woolf’s “Street Haunting,” you’ll take a walk through your neighborhood with fresh eyes, writing about it in new ways. This practice of “weirding” everyday life sets the stage for exploring the surrealist tradition. Next, we’ll delve into a story by Japanese writer Yukiko Motoya, examining how absurdist…
My online creative writing class at Stanford: enrollment begins December 2. First class starts January 27.