Hello, everyone. There is still room left for the online seminars I am teaching with my wife Amy Ettinger, author of Sweet Spot. We’ll be talking about structuring personal essays and memoirs. Here you will find a comprehensive list of my new classes, which will take place June 12 and 13, (online personal essay and memoir classes), July 25-29 (in-person teaching at Catamaran lit. conference in Santa Cruz) and August 7, 14, 21, and 28 (online memoir workshop and craft class) On June 12, Amy and I will teach a class about the personal essay from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. PDT. There are many ways to tell the same story. The choices can be overwhelming for writers. We’ll discuss how to structure an essay, from anecdotal ledes to circular essays to braided narratives. Writers will learn a variety of ways to turn their experiences into narratives that editors will…