A slightly different version of my New York Times piece on Santa Cruz will be featured in an upcoming, illustrated travel anthology. Times Books will publish the book, in collaboration with Taschen Books.
Look for it this summer in your local bookstore. Meanwhile, the article also got picked up in the Huffington Post with comments.
The book version of the article won’t mention my favorite tourist attraction in the entire idea, the Glaum Ranch Egg Vending Machine, but you can’t have everything. I guess you’ll just have to see the 24-hour chicken vending machine for yourself. Make sure to bring your own close-able egg cartons and three crisp dollar bills or you will regret it. I’m speaking from personal experience.
Another attraction that I did not mention: on Cayuga Street in Seabright, there’s a history marker on one of the houses, close to the main entrance. The marker says, “In 1873, in this location, nothing happened.”