I had a great time at the Dennis De Young Museum in Golden Gate Park. What a great place. I hate the provisional-looking exterior but the content of the museum is top-notch. I was skeptical at first — a whole museum, dedicated to the former lead singer of Styx? Fortunately the collection is more than just classic rock memorabilia. There is an excellent installation by Kiki Smith, showing the figures of two children riding a box kite into a ‘storm’ of hanging raindrops, each one made of handblown glass. They’ve got a really good Andy Goldsworthy installation, and the traditional art from New Guinea is the best display of its kind I’ve ever seen. They also have a journal on display with the original handwritten lyrics to “Mr. Roboto,” which was also cool to see. All in all it was a very good experience (and not too expensive.)
Dennis De Young Museum