Fixin’ To Do Something Dumber’n Hell

This week’s San Francisco Bay Guardian compared me — or at least my younger self — to Llewelyn Moss, the none-too-bright protagonist of Cormac McCarthy’s No Country For Old Men. In the movie version, directed by the Coen Brothers, Llewelyn Moss is played by Josh Brolin, who also plays a major role in the upcoming biopic of real life SF hero Harvey Milk, who lived in the Castro, where I am speaking Thursday evening at Books Inc on Market Street. And the real-life evil psycho played by Josh Brolin in that very movie just so happens to have the name “Dan White.” (who, I should add, was in no way related to me!!!!) A creepy coincidence, to say the least …

The SF Bay Guardian review isn’t online but here is the cut-and-paste version.

“I’m fixin’ to go do somethin’ dumber ‘n hell, but I’m goin’ anyways.” These were not the words of Dan White. Still, the words of No Country for Old Men’s Llewelyn Moss could easily apply to the decision White made when he thought it would be a good idea to make 2,650-mile trek along the Pacific Coast Trail with his girlfriend. The couple were completely unprepared for the monster awaiting them, and encountered myriad hilarious, taxing, and occasionally life-threatening predicaments that White candidly chronicles in his buoyant The Cactus Eaters (Harper Perennial). While the decision may have been “dumber ‘n hell,” he got a brilliant book out of it, which is more than Moss got for his quest.

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